Immotokens est uniquement disponible en néerlandais. Ces pages ont été traduites automatique à des fins pédagogiques.


Immotokens is only available in Dutch. These pages have been automatically translated for educational purposes.


Immotokens est uniquement disponible en néerlandais. Ces pages ont été traduites automatique à des fins pédagogiques.


Immotokens is only available in Dutch. These pages have been automatically translated for educational purposes.


Property prices are rising year after year. It looks like they will continue to do so in the years to come. With Immotokens you can arm yourself against these price rises by co-investing in property yourself! The earlier you start, the more you can enjoy. Just look at the enormous price difference with 35 years ago!

  • An average Flemish house cost in 1985 just under EUR 35,000Today, such a house fluctuates around 320,000 euros.
  • Flats have also become considerably more expensive since 1985. There, we now have average prices of around €260,000, whereas in 1985 they were only around €30,000. Those are price increases of almost x10!
  • In the 1990s you could still buy flats for less than €50,000!

Do you also want to enjoy the strong value increases of real estate? Start investing today!

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.