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An exciting new investment opportunity is emerging in today's real estate market that combines significant financial benefits with environmental sustainability. The concept: buying agricultural land to plant forests on, not only generates an attractive annual return through the sale of CO2 certificates, but also responds to the growing demand for timber worldwide.

The Rise of CO2 Certificates

Investing in forestry is no longer just reserved for the traditional timber industry. By planting forests on agricultural land, investors can now earn and sell carbon certificates. These certificates, which represent the amount of carbon dioxide removed from the atmosphere by the trees, provide attractive annual returns between 5 and 7%. This innovative approach contributes to global efforts to combat climate change while offering an ethical investment.

Lucrative timber production

Global demand for timber is increasing while supply is decreasing. By felling and selling trees on planted farmland, investors can profit from high timber prices. The introduction of faster-growing timber species means that trees can be felled and sold after only seven years, often for an amount equal to or higher than the original investment in the land.

Immotokens Facilitates Investment

Immotokens, a platform specialising in real estate investment, makes it easier for investors to participate in these unique projects. By offering an accessible way to invest in the conversion of agricultural land to forest areas, Immotokens opens the door for both large and small investors to contribute to this environmentally friendly and financially rewarding venture.

Government support and regulation

The government is generally positive about transforming agricultural land into forest areas. This leads to more favourable regulations around tree felling and provides opportunities for tax breaks and subsidies aimed at sustainable agriculture and forestry projects.

Risks and Management

Although the market for timber and carbon certificates is promising, investors should take into account possible market fluctuations. Legal compliance and effective management of planted forests require knowledge and planning, especially in the early stages. Immotokens supports this by offering expertise and management services, allowing investors to focus on the financial and environmental benefits of their investment.


This innovative approach to investing in agricultural land for forestry and carbon certificates presents a unique opportunity for forward-thinking investors. Combining environmental sustainability and financial returns, supported by platforms such as Immotokens, this project represents an exciting and responsible investment for the future.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.