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Immotokens' co-invest formula has transformed the landscape of property investment. While group real estate investment is uncharted territory for many, Immotokens offers an interesting opportunity for investors. The formula allows investors to benefit from the high returns of real estate while becoming co-owners of the property, regardless of the type of investment property - from residential units to office spaces.

What does Immotokens' Co-Invest Formula entail? The co-invest formula allows several investors to jointly raise capital and buy all kinds of investment properties. Instead of just contributing financially, investors become co-owners of the property thanks to this formula.

At Immotokens, we act as both platform and sponsor. This dual role ensures a streamlined experience and minimises potential discussions between investors and other involved parties.

Parties involved In Immotokens' co-invest formula, there are primarily two parties involved: Immotokens as sponsor and the co-investors. Immotokens, in the role of sponsor, identifies, plans and manages the real estate investment. The co-investors, or co-owners, raise the required capital and share in the benefits as owners of the property.

Pros and Cons of Co-Investing with Immotokens

Each investment option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are the key considerations for the co-invest formula:


  • Co-ownership of Real Estate: Investors become co-owners, which means direct involvement in the real estate project.
  • Diversity in Real Estate: Access to different types of investment property.
  • Streamlined Experience: Thanks to Immotokens' dual role as platform and sponsor.


  • Illiquidity: Although there is co-ownership, the property cannot always be liquidated quickly.
  • Property risks: As with any property investment, there are inherent risks associated with market fluctuations and other factors.

Conclusion Immotokens' co-invest formula offers a unique opportunity for investors looking to diversify their portfolio and benefit directly as co-owners of investment properties. With the support of Immotokens as both platform and sponsor, it is easier than ever to reap the benefits of group real estate investment.

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.