Immotokens est uniquement disponible en néerlandais. Ces pages ont été traduites automatique à des fins pédagogiques.


Immotokens is only available in Dutch. These pages have been automatically translated for educational purposes.


Immotokens est uniquement disponible en néerlandais. Ces pages ont été traduites automatique à des fins pédagogiques.


Immotokens is only available in Dutch. These pages have been automatically translated for educational purposes.


More than 170 economists signed this critical opinion on crypto assets. They point out the risks and potential damage. In the opinion, they propose 4 fundamental principles for dealing with crypto assets:

  1. Reject crypto assets that have a useless and harmful impact on the environment. 
  2. Reject crypto assets that explicitly want to protect the anonymity of their owners for transactions above a certain threshold. 
  3. Prevent the creation of a parallel monetary system free from the social constraints that apply to all other actors. 
  4. Impose the same rules on all players who provide access to crypto assets as on traditional financial players.

Immotokens (consciously) passes all these principles:

  1. We have no harmful impact on the environment.
  2. We work with KYC modules that make anonymity impossible.
  3. We work within the current legal and fiscal framework.
  4. We follow the financial regulations and the FSMA.

What's more, we fall within the "useful innovation category" as they themselves cite:

Digital assets can shake up ingrained habits and introduce useful innovations, such as 'smart contractssign via blockchain technology, make the intermediaries in property transfers redundant or speed up cross-border payments.

Our mission is to democratise real estate investments. Thanks to smart contracts and blockchain technology, we can achieve this - an innovation to be proud of!

Do you want more information?

Talk to one of our investment advisers. We will be happy to provide you with more information or a return simulation. Request an introductory meeting below.